
3 Great Types of Content for Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Have you noticed that there are different types of content when we consume information on the internet? Most people are not satisfied with just text and are always looking for other resources, such as videos, audio, and images. Therefore, a company must work with various content formats to set a digital marketing strategy framework.

Blogging can be the foundation of your digital marketing strategy, but articles shouldn’t be the only type of content you use to increase traffic, generate leads, and close sales.

A complete strategy with diversified content will always be the best option. That’s why we created this article to help you get better results by knowing the three main digital marketing content types. Keep reading as we point you to the best digital marketers with proper service disclaimers.

Why invest in different types of content?


Just as when people enter a store, they want to see a wide range of products, the same happens to users when they get on the internet. They don’t just want texts, images, or videos but a perfect harmony between them.

Mainly nowadays, where the variety of channels and ways of consuming content is great, people want to take advantage of the possibilities to emerge in each content they consume.

Also, we can’t forget that the new generation was born at the height of technology and it’s not something that catches the attention of these people so easily! Therefore, the more you innovate, bring variety, and, of course, quality, the better for your company.

Gone are the days when it was enough to have a good product. Today people want a complete experience with the liberty to placements, quality content, rich materials, and a good digital presence for the brand.

One of the best ways to do this is to use the wide variety of types of content and channels to your company’s advantage, bringing a surprise whenever your target audience sees something about your brand.

Main Types of Content for Digital Marketing Strategy Framework

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing

For a complete content marketing strategy, several formats can generate more relevance and brand recognition, as well as capture leads and sales relationships. Here are the top three recommendations for a laid digital marketing strategy framework:

Blog Post

One of the main types of ideal digital marketing content that we will address is precisely this format that you are reading now, the blog post! For many companies in the online environment, blog posts form a central part of their digital marketing strategy.

The reason for this is that blog posts are generally very efficient. They are more flexible and easily found by Google, and users can clear their doubts by reading them. This is an interesting way to educate your audience and offer valuable content that users can share.

Additionally, blog postings are great for fostering relationships with your readers, which may increase lead and conversion generation. Your business will see huge online traffic if you keep up a continuous blog with frequent, high-quality entries.


Main Benefits of Blog Posts

  • Increased traffic to your website: Over time, if your texts follow good SEO practices, your blog will appear in the top positions on Google, increasing the number of hits on your pages.
  • Gain loyalty to the audience of potential customers: The public will be increasingly interested in following your blog if they find relevant content and start to follow all the news.


Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest types of content on the internet, but like other formats, it has been updated and is now one of the most used for a wide variety of purposes.

This application can be used either automatically, after some customer action, or to make a purchase or subscribe to the newsletter strategically, to offer promotions, bring special discounts, and, of course, valuable content.

Your company’s newsletter, for example, can bring the latest blog posts from your website, industry news, and market research, as well as infographics and links to videos and interactive materials. Don’t just stick to the commercial focus; email can and should be used as another source of quality content.


A real fever, podcasts are marking the new era of the internet, with the right to approach much talked about and important subjects, even major criminal cases, successful cases, and much more.

Many of them are on live streams, so users can interact, ask questions to respondents and even upload some hashtags to boost the program even more. If your company is an expert in any segment, make all this knowledge easily accessible to your audience in an informal and content-filled conversation.



Countless digital marketing strategy frameworks can be laid to improve your business. All you need to do is find the right one out of the best digital marketers to help you meet your goal. One we recommend is Mari-Marketing if you need to scale your business in the right way. You can consult this agency for free with their free consultation program, but terms and conditions may apply.

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